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P.R.A.Y | Intro to a Journey of Prayer

By Pastor Rob Waugh

Welcome to the beginning of an incredible expedition—a journey deep into the heart of prayer. In the Gospel of Luke, the disciples, struck by the intimate connection Jesus had with God the Father through prayer, asked Him a monumental question: "Lord, teach us to pray." This single inquiry led to a profound response—the Lord's Prayer, a timeless guide gifted to humanity for communing with the Father.

As we initiate this series, our compass is set to discover not just the words of this prayer, but the depth of its meaning and the posture of the heart it invites us to adopt. More than a recitation, it's an invitation into a conversation—a divine dialogue with our Lord and King.

Jesus not only provided the Lord's Prayer but paved the way for us to embrace nine distinct postures of prayer, each revealing a facet of our relationship with God. From the stillness that calms our souls to the spiritual warfare that equips us in battles, these postures paint a rich tapestry of our communion with the Divine.

Our trekking pole in this exploration is the simple yet profound rhythm of P.R.A.Y.—Pause, Rejoice, Ask, Yield. It's not a rigid stick but a rhythm creator that adapts to the unique contours of our lives and personalities. P.R.A.Y. offers structure without suffocation, inviting us into an easy flow of conversation with Jesus.

This journey isn't reserved for theological scholars or prayer gurus. It's for every seeker longing to deepen their relationship with God. Whether you've just begun to tread this path or have journeyed for years, there's something new and profound waiting to happen in a fresh encounter with the Lord of the Universe.

So, lace up your spiritual boots; the Lord Himself walks with you. In moments of silence and in our spoken words, He listens and speaks. He unveils mysteries and listens to our simplest whispers. Sometimes His presence might seem elusive, but never distant. He'll guide, suggest, and even follow our lead, gently calling us on toward growth and understanding in order that we find ourselves increasingly at home, known and loved in Him.

As we unravel the layers of this ancient yet ever-relevant prayer, expect surprises. Each word, each posture, contains depths waiting to be plumbed. It's an invitation to a transformative encounter, where familiarity yields fresh insights and routine transcends into Holy reverence.

So, fellow traveler, are you ready? Let's get walking, together. Through the exploration of the Lord's Prayer and the diverse postures of prayer it unfolds, may our hearts be stirred, our spirits awakened, and our conversations with God become a sanctuary of revelation and communion that overflows into a life of grace, obedience, and power from Him.

The journey is just ahead. "Lord, teach us to pray." Together, let's go forth into the profound depths hidden within these words.

Join us next week as we explore a simple rhythm of P.R.A.Y. as our baseline prayer structure together on the journey ahead.

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Florence Farjandi
Florence Farjandi
Jan 08, 2024

God bless you multiple. Amen

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